Automatic ALL_MEPT.TXT uploads ------------------------------ To upload a file for processing, you need a way to submit it as an HTTP POST. The file must be an element called "allmept", and your callsign and grid must be specified with the "call" and "grid" elements. One way to do it is with cURL. Download the cURL Win32 binary from: Unzip to your WSPR directory, then create a batch file with the following contents: :A CLS @ECHO ON "C:\Program Files\WSPR\curl.exe" -F allmept=@"C:\Program Files\WSPR\ALL_MEPT.TXT" -F call=URCALL -F grid=AA00aa @ECHO OFF ECHO %TIME% ping -n 200 >nul goto A The ping command is used as a delay of approximately 4 minutes. If you have cygwin, just install cURL if you haven't already, then enter this at a BASH prompt: while true; do sleep 240; curl -F allmept=@/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/WSPR/ALL_MEPT.TXT -F call=URCALL -F grid=AA00aa > /dev/null; done Both of these methods assume you have installed WSPR in the 0.4 default location of C:\Program Files\WSPR. Change the location of ALL_MEPT.TXT as appropriate. -Joe, N8FQ